Thursday, April 18, 2013

He's on the move!!

Oh my sweet Levi! He really is enjoying his walker these days =) So proud to watch his determination to get going.  He is waking up and saying "mom, I wanna walk!" so we slap those braces on and get going! He goes all through the house on his own, and we play outside in the driveway each day. Recently he has been wanting to go see our friends down the street so he walked a long way just to play with his little buddies!
They were so cute to get their bikes out and play with him =)

We should have a new walker within the next few weeks, we thought it would be here by now but there was some mix ups with paperwork so we are on hold for a little longer bla...But we decided to just clear out the back of the car and take it with us!! We are trying to think of any open area he can go right now and he is just feeling so much freedom!

Yesterday there was a sweet moment for momma when I decided to bring his walker to church with us, because after my bible study all of the kids run around and levi crawls but he wishes he was up with them..So we brought it  with us and he was up at eye level with his friends and they all thought it was so fun and were crowded around him and wanted to try his walker.  Thankful for all of my friends that have cultivated such sweet children that are proud of Levi and excited to see his progress. It felt so good for me to see him so proudly walking in to show his friends how he could walk =)

Really thrilled to get this new walker!! its going to allow so much more freedom with his walker, right now this one is pretty big and he cant get close to things, it also is not very easy to take on grass or carpet so I am just counting down the days to give him this freedom!!

Levi is f
eeling soooo much better since his surgery, I am so amazed with the difference in our days and his mood! Thanks for prayers for him they are always so appreciated!!

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