Dear friends and family! On Monday Mike's sister Kelly delivered her first baby boy Hezekiah Thomas Sewell... Kelly had a very good pregnancy and everything has been going well except for he had to be delivered c section due to being breech... He had some trouble breathing at first and they couldn't get his heart rate down and keep is oxygen up the next day that was doing better and things were looking up , and Kelly was so excited to finally get to hold and see her baby after such a long time calm a while dad (also named Kelley :-) I was with him they noticed he was experiencing some seizures so they alerted to the doctors and I made it was given medication to stop the seizure they also did a spinal tap to check for infection and an MRI an eeg and EKG . I was there with Kelly yesterday Kelly is in fantastic but we really need to pray over this little boy because they're not finding answers and are concerned that there's a neurological problem at this time... I don't have new information as of today but hope to be with Kelly again today! Please please please hey friends this family we love them dearly and this little boy is so beautiful. Mom and dad are such amazing Christians and have been so strong dealing with this hard week so far... Please pray
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